We train health leaders in Mexico under an innovative educational model focused on comprehensive patient care.
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
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Who are we?
The School of Medicine and Health Sciences is distinguished by having a patient-centered innovative educational model, a transformative university experience, and research as a key component of excellent medical practice.
Students graduate with the perspective of becoming the leaders of medicine and health sciences in Mexico by developing in the axes of our innovation: training, care, research, and social commitment.
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Health: an evolving practice through history
This year on World Health Day, we reiterate the commitment generated by the WHO to guarantee that all people, anywhere, can exercise their right to good health, with the aim of preventing and reducing unnecessary suffering, preventable diseases, and premature deaths, which harm our society and economy. Working for a fairer and healthier world. Download the history of health here.

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Message from the Dean
Welcome to the new website of the TecSalud School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Tecnológico de Monterrey!
These pages have been developed with a desire to inform of the activities carried out within the School, and thus contribute to the new Mission of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Here you can consult relevant information about our work, as well as our different Areas and Departments. In addition, you will find details about Undergraduate degrees, Medical Specialties, Masters, and Doctorates.
I am at your disposal to answer your comments and suggestions.
Thank you for your visit!
Cordially, Dr. Jorge E. Valdez García, Dean
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QS World University Rankings by subject
TecSalud School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Tecnológico de Monterrey stands out as the only private Mexican school in the QS World University Ranking by subject - Medicine. For this reason, two international entities (Saludiario and World Scholarship Forum) have placed it among the five best to study medicine.
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Visit us
For over 35 years, we have transformed virtuous young people into committed promoters of health.

We take care of your health better than anyone, training excellent professionals.