We provide methods and instruments for evaluation, as well as statistical tools to carry out academic measurements and research.
SMHS Evaluation and Biostatistics
01. - SMHS
- Design of evaluation and research studies
- Statistical or psychometric measurement analysis, necessary to answer specific research questions.
- Administration and analysis of data sets using statistical or basic software.
Academic Evaluation
- Institutional assessment
- Departmental assessment
- Progressive assessment
- Basic and clinical science assessment using resources from the National Board of Medical Education (NBME)
- Use of external question banks (International Consortiums)
02. - SMHS
Evaluation Functions
- Diagnostic: a review of background and requirements.
- Placement in class/program or group based on skills.
- Assessment of achievement to determine whether people have reached important goals.
- Predictive of a person’s level of achievement in future activities or prediction of one measure from another.
- Assessment of programs, where the object under study is a complete career.
- Motivating because evaluation, in general terms, greatly influences learning.
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Test design process
- Meeting with a team of experts to define the table of specifications.
- Department directors will appoint a team of teachers who will work on the design and production of test items.
- The DEB concentrates on production and shapes the different exams on the selected platform.
- Professors and/or support teams review the items.
- The tests are applied, and the items are calibrated to build a question Bank for each test.
04. - SMHS
Formative / Summative academic-teacher
This evaluation is part of the teaching-learning process and its purpose is to guarantee that what was established as a learning objective is achieved as a learning result: Observable.
Institutional summative
This evaluation, although of the students, is part of the evaluation process of the curricular program that allows consolidating the learning results with the graduation profile established as a "promise" at the beginning of the degree: Measurable.
Academic Evaluation
- Institutional assessment: Basic science, basic medical science, and clinical science.
- Departmental assessment.
- Progressive assessment.
- Assessment of basic and clinical science, using resources from the National Board of Medical Education (NBME).
- Use of external question banks (International Consortiums)
05. - SMHS
IFOM Basic Science Examination (BSE) http://ifombasic.startpractice.com
The BSE tests the basic knowledge that students have before entering the clinical program. It consists of 160 multiple-choice items, each with one best answer accepted as correct. The BSE covers:
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Histology and Cell Biology
- Microbiology
- Organic systems
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
IFOM Clinical Science Examination (CSE) http://ifomclinical.startpractice.com
The CSE (Clinical Sciences Examination) tests the clinical knowledge that students should have just before graduation. It consists of 160 multiple-choice items, each with one best answer accepted as correct. The CSE covers:
- Family Medicine
- Medicine
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Pediatrics
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
06. - SMHS
Contact information
MS. José Juan Góngora Cortés Department director jgongora@itesm.mx Tel. +52 81.8888.2027
Ing. María Esthela Castañeda Rosales Specialist esthela.castaneda@itesm.mx Tel. +52 81.8888.2022