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SMHS Master’s in Biomedical Sciences

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01. - SMHS

The program trains professionals capable of:

  • Understanding, in-depth, the pathophysiological mechanisms that support the discovery of new therapeutic targets, the development of diagnostic markers, the testing of new drugs, and the design of biomedical devices.  
  • Developing and contributing to research projects based on the clinical care needs of patients and the design of in vivo and in vitro experimental models.
  • Communicating the results of their professional work clearly, effectively, and efficiently.
  • Collaborating in the professional community of their field with leadership, in an efficient manner and with adherence to ethical principles.
  • Putting their maximum effort into their commitment to make their findings applicable to healthcare.

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Graduation requirements

Admission requirements

Lines of research

Program goal

Graduation requirements

To obtain a specialty diploma, a master's degree, a medical specialty degree, or a doctor's degree at Tecnológico de Monterrey, you must meet the following requirements:

  • To have completely finished the undergraduate professional cycle prior to the approval of the first course of the curriculum of the specialty, master's, medical specialty, or doctorate.
  • To have fulfilled, by the current regulations, the previous academic requirements of the corresponding curriculum through taking the pertinent placement exams, proficiency exams, or remedial courses.
  • To have obtained a professional degree – which is preceded by a high school degree or its equivalent – that is equivalent to that taught at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • To have covered all of the subjects in the respective study plan, either by passing all subjects at the Tecnológico de Monterrey or by obtaining revalidation or equivalence agreements – in accordance with the corresponding norms – of part of the subjects studied at other institutions and passing the remaining subjects at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. For the purposes of this article, courses taken at foreign universities with which we have agreements will be considered as taken at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, as long as they do not exceed a certain percentage of the study plan established for each particular program.
  • For those curricula that require it, to have prepared a research project or thesis that has been presented and approved by an academic jury.
  • To have completed at least the equivalent of the second half of the corresponding study plan at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, for those students that have revalidation or equivalency agreements for studies at this level.  There may be flexibility in this rule for graduate programs that have an agreement established with other universities.
  • In the case of Doctoral programs, to have published in indexed journals (or have evidence of acceptance for publication) at least one article on a topic related to your research project.

Admission requirements

  • Graduates in Medicine, Biochemistry, Medical Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Biology, Dentistry, and related careers. With a minimum GPA of 90 if you aspire to win a 100% tuition scholarship of excellence (submit certificate and diploma with apostille and professional license).
  • Fill out the application.
  • Interview with at least two members of the academic faculty.
  • Test of Admission to Postgraduate Studies (PAEP) 600 points. 
  • TOEFL 550 points.
  • Letter of intent.
  • Birth certificate. 

Lines of research

  • Diseases secondary to inflammation and oxidative damage: Neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, cancer, liver, and lung fibrosis, immunological diseases.
  • Growth, metabolic, nutritional, and endocrine diseases: metabolic syndrome, gestational diabetes, intrauterine growth retardation, obesity.
  • Technique Innovation: Validation of biomedical devices, biosimilars, bioinformatics, and biophysics.

Program goal

The Master’s program in Biomedical Sciences aims to train specialists:

  • That are entrepreneurial leaders who stand out for their ability to collaborate with experts from different disciplines to carry out the scientific work necessary for a real advance in biomedical research, in their field of expertise.
  • That are researchers with a human sense, who develop applied research to attend to the most pressing health needs of our population.
  • That are professionals with a global vision and international competitiveness, who collaborate in interdisciplinary research teams and actively participate in scientific networks and professional associations.